Sunday, March 10, 2019

Week 6

  • Define the difference between post reach and post engagement
.Post reach is how many people your posts or page has reached. Reached is synonyms with viewed. Post engagement is entirely different, engagement is how many people have interacted with the post or page. Liking, commenting, and direct messaging with customers are all forms of engagement. Dave Kerpen stated in Likeable Social Media "whats cooler than reaching a billion on facebook? Reaching the perfect 1000 prospects or 100 or 1."

  • Why is knowing the difference important?
Through the lectures and readings I have learned that even though reaching many possible customers it is more important to engage with fewer that are your target audience. Leaving a positive impression on potential customers is more important than having your work viewed by thousands of people with no interest. For the business I have chose for this class, it would be beneficial to like and comment on all unique tattoo's to show support.

  • After defining the terms, describe how a business can use Facebook Insights to better serve their customers.
I have created a fictitious business for the purpose of this class and because it is brand new I do not yet have Facebook Insights. From what I have gathered on the internet, Facebook insights is a powerful tool to help business page owner's oversee the interactions. It can be very useful to track the page performance and judge what is doing well and what isn't.

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Week 7

Visit the FaceBook Business pages of your group members (the groups have changed, please check out the updated Class Links). Read their p...