Saturday, March 9, 2019

Week 3 Part 2

Business #1:
1. Aqualung
3. Facebook  -
   Instagram  -
   Youtube     -
   Newsletter -
4. Facebook, well used  (5. Yesterday 3/8/19 9:19AM)
   Instagram, well used  (5. Yesterday 3/8/19)
   Youtube,    used (5. 4 Months Ago)
   Newsletter,                 (5. will sign up and wait to see how frequent newsletters are sent out.)

6. Aqua Lung America is using half of their social media potential well. The company is doing well at staying
active on Instagram and Facebook. It is lacking on Youtube videos which is a huge miss considering the
company is a leader in water exploration and works with many talented oceanographers whom often record their

Business #2:
1. Melt Cosmetics
3. Facebook  -
   Twitter       -      
   Instagram  -
   Pinterest    -
   Tumblr        -
   Snapchat    -
4. Facebook, well used                                       (5. 3/7/19 at 11:48 AM)
   Twitter, well used                                             (5. 3/8/19 at 10:06 AM)
   Instagram, well used                                       (5/ 3/9/19 at 1:15 PM
   Pinterest, used 889k monthly viewers            (5. last saved pin 5 months ago)
   Tumblr, not well used                                      (5. 7/5/18)
   Snapchat, not currenly active                          (5. No current posts)

6. Melt Cosmetics is doing well with it's social media usage by being active on many different platforms. The
consistency and content they put out keeps their customers engaged and anticipating the next product launch.
I love this brand and appreciate the effort they put into their social media.

Business #3:
1. Brixton
3. Facebook     -
   Twitter          -
   Instagram    -
   Youtube       -
   Vimeo           -
   Pinterest      -
   Tumblr          -
4. Facebook,  very well used                                  (5.3/9/19 12:45AM)
   Twitter, very well used                                        (5. 3/9/19 11:45 AM)
   Instagram, very well used                                  (5. 3/9/19 1:49 PM)
   Youtube, well used                                             (5. 2/28/19)
   Vimeo,used                                                        (5. 5 months ago)
   Pinterest, not well used 21k monthly viewers    (5. last saved 1 year ago)
   Tumblr, well filled blog                                        (5. no date to show)

6. Brixton has many social media platforms that promote their brand and keep up an image that reflects their
laid-back style of products. They stay very consistent with their posts and within the few years since the
company started have gained a huge following locally and are only continuing to grow worldwide.

Business #4:
3. Tumblr              -
   Twitter              -
   Youtube           -
   Facebook        -
   Instagram        -
   Pinterest          -
4. Tumblr, A link was provided to show tagged photos. (5. They do not have an actual blog.)
   Twitter, well used                                                        (5. 3/8/19)
   Youtube, well used                                                     (5. 3/7/19)
   Facebook,well used                                                    (5. 3/8/19 8:38 AM)
   Instagram, well used                                                   (5. 3/9/19)
   Pinterest, well used 7.5m monthly viewers                 (5. last saved 3 days ago)

6. Levis is the perfect example of an old school company joining into the social media age to continue to grow
and captivate its consumers. As an international company Levis does amazing with keeping up with most all
social media platforms.

Business #5:
1. Aveeno
3. Facebook      -
   Instagram     -
   Youtube        -
4. Facebook, well used                              (5. 3/4/19 2:55)
   Instagram, well used                              (5.3/4/19 2:36)
   Youtube,used                                         (5. 3 months ago)

6. Aveeno is a brand that I have used throughout my whole life even without social media it was my go to. It is
nice to see updates on new products at the ease of just going on my phone. I love that the company keeps up
the image and engages with customers through Facebook and Instagram.

  Through this exploration I discovered how a brand can keep up with an image through what they put out on
their social media platforms. I gained an appreciation for companies I love and how well they manage to stay
active on up to seven different avenues. I saw the different ways brands choose to engage with their customers
and reach out to different audiences.

  The different brands that I chose to look into for this assignment all portray a different image to their audiences.
I chose Aqua Lung because this is the company that I work for and have recently been elected to take on
Amazon and Facebook inquiries. I believe the marketing does well with encouraging our audience to partake in
water exploration along with the other brands that I researched for this assignment. Aqua Lung particularly keeps
their posts relevant to photos of our products in action.

 One consistency with all the companies I looked into is that they choose to use icons on the bottom of the page
of their websites. I feel like this shows that for a brand to be successful in today's day and age they must stay
relevant on social media platforms. This was a good lesson to take from this assignment and will be beneficial if
I ever choose to start a business on my own.

Blogs I commented on:
- Jason Bush
- Matthew Dangyou
- Francesca Haman

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Week 7

Visit the FaceBook Business pages of your group members (the groups have changed, please check out the updated Class Links). Read their p...